Ok - I had to start a real blog now. I'm about fed-up with the lies and deceptions. I grew up in a Christian country, and while not a church-goer I always felt that the idea behind religion was pure and right. It was more than just a social club - it was someone trying to describe how to get a better world.
But as with standards, religions are supposedly good because there are so many to choose between. In my later teens I questioned how all these virtually exclusive ideas could co-exist. And then I realized that they didn't. They barely tolerated each-other! It's a polarizing mechanism. Something that tries to join people by creating an other threat. And how can a polarized society/world EVER be peaceful?
9/11 happened. Religion was the big "skunk" - but not any religion. The Islamic religions only - although leaders tried to calm Muslims down by saying it's not the religion but a few bad apples. Well, funny enough I didn't see any official Muslim leaders refute that suicide bombers, killing 1000 of people had nothing to do with their religion. The best we could get was "it was bad, but I do understand them ... they had just cause ..." Are they really saying that war is sanctioned by religion? Well, then the "right" religious people started portraying themselves as the "righteous".
Christianity is so much better - everyone knows that, right? Bull! Actually I ventured to Church on the eve of 9/11 - like a lot of other people. To get some kind of peace - this was a huge chocking event, and it seemed to be a good way to try to get a grip of the situation. I was flabbergasted. This church was already preaching war - they had guest speakers from the Golf war and WWII veterans speaking. From the pulpit the priest was telling God "sorry we have disobeyed you. We should not accept Homosexuals or Abortions. We deserve your punishment". MAN - how did we get there? Isn't that EXACTLY the same reasons the extremist Islamic idiots are preaching? We're unholy and against their God, so we deserve to be killed? Where is the difference I ask?
Today my favorite person, Pat Robertson (just kidding of course) just added more fuel to the fire. He proved that Christianity by no MEANS are any different. A religious fundamentalist is a religious fundamentalist. No matter the kind of religion. It means a "shit for brains" person. It stands for "peace is my way - any other I'll make sure leads to war". And forget about equality - because if you question me, you question God, and nobody questions God and lives!
Strange thing with the religious right in the US - they are pro capitol punishment but anti abortions. I guess life to them doesn't have the same value? Although a few cells have been promoted to life in order to advocate for their antiabortion campane. "We'll twist our book of 'truth' to fit our purpose" seems to be the mantra. Last time I read the Bible it said that "Let vengance be mine"; meaning don't you try to mess in judging people - I (your God) will deal with it. I guess it's one of those rules we can ignore when-ever we feel like it?
Of course religious fundamentalists doesn't want general education - just look at the US! If you had general education, you wouldn't have so many who wouldn't question statements as crazy and twisted as Pat Robertson's - or when Bush say "They are Evil so I can drop bombs on them". As long as God is in the picture, we can't question our leaders? Sorry, any God that allowed millions of his "believers" to be killed doesn't really deserve to be a God. It seems to me we've received thousands of signs that there ARE no Gods! No Ignorance isn't bliss.
Any solution to this mess of idiocracy and doomed idiologies of religions must start with the abolishment of ANY and ALL religions. It's clear that the future of a united peaceful world starts with getting rid of the cancer that prevents it from happening. Let's start by getting rid of people and organizations who advocate killing other people. This should take with it a substantial number of religions. We can deal with rest later ......
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